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Social Innovation & Entrepreneurship Center SiNC was founded in 2017.

SiNC supports young people and women in Tbilisi and regions of Georgia to develop their innovative ideas through training courses, Erasmus+ mobility exchanges, boost camps, workshops, accelerator/incubator programs to start their social businesses.

SiNC supports its beneficiaries with mentoring and volunteering programs and promote mobility exchanges to share experiences and best practices to introduce them later for their community development.

Implements projects that covers bootcamps and training courses for young people with disadvantaged backgrounds from remote regions of Georgia to empower them with digital and financial literacy and competences needed for employment and for continuing educational opportunities.

Implements KA1 & KA2 Erasmus projects and programs in social innovation and entrepreneurship, digital and financial literacy, rural development, technological literacy, non-formal education, NEETs empowerment, green & inclusive Youth Work, positive leadership, sustainable development, SDGs.

Organizes camps for young people to increase their digital and financial skillset and organize training courses for youth workers to empower their digital and financial mindset to ensure inclusivity of disadvantaged young people in the projects, raise awareness of professionals from the local communities to address the digital and financial needs of adults at local level.


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